Kenyan moms who recognize that they are unable to exclusively breastfeed their infants owing to a lack of breast milk supply must look for options that may be of assistance to themselves and their children. One of the most effective solutions is to consume foods that promote breast milk production.
Kenyan Foods that Increase Breast Milk
Residents of Kenya have historically depended on a variety of meals to increase their milk production.
- Omena and fish, as well as drinking enough water, are recommended by residents of the Nyanza region for remaining hydrated when unwell. The Kisii venerate saga, Managu, and Kunde, while the Luhya value Mrenda and Mito, and the Kisii cherish Kunde.
- Women in the Central Province still enjoy traditional porridge (ucuru wa gukiia) and njahi, which are both made from maize.
- Mursik will be consumed by women of the Kalenjin ethnicity, as is customary in their culture.
- The use of some of these wonderful meals by breastfeeding mothers in Kenya would enable them to produce sufficient milk for their newborns.
- Nursing mothers in Kenya may get specialist coaching on the best dietary habits to adopt in order to guarantee that they produce enough milk for their infants.
- Pregnancy supplements, such as Pregnacare, may also assist you in producing more breast milk throughout your pregnancy.
Other Food that Increase Breast Milk
Photo credit: The Tot
However, if the mother isn’t producing enough milk, this might be a problem. Here are some meals that might help you produce more breast milk:
The more carrots you eat, the more milk your baby will produce. Additionally, carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which improves the milk’s nutritional value. Carrots may also aid in the loss of postpartum fat if consumed on a regular basis.
Vegetables with a lot of leaves
There are several health benefits of eating kale and spinach throughout pregnancy as well as after the birth of the baby, It is rich in Calcium, Folate, and Iron. Vitamins included in these foods help to increase the amount of milk a mother produces when breastfeeding.
When it comes to breast milk production, oats are an excellent choice. Dietary beta-glucan, which is found in high concentrations in several foods, helps to boost milk supply. Oat biscuits are an alternative if they aren’t your cup of tea.
Grain Rice
When your baby’s health is at stake, you may have to consume items you don’t really like on occasion. For the benefit of the infant, even if you don’t like brown rice, you may consume it. But it’s not only the baby that’s at risk here. Brown rice not only increases milk production, but it also provides greater energy to the breastfeeding woman.
Aside from its flavor-enhancing properties, the various health advantages of garlic should not be overlooked. Just a little bit of it in your diet may help you produce more breast milk.
Fats from nuts are an excellent source. Snack on nuts such as cashews, macadamias, almonds, and any others you can find in between meals. Nuts are also a good source of antioxidants, which may help you produce more milk.
The fact that you will require them, even more, means they won’t go to waste. Antioxidants and lactation-increasing properties of ginger are well-known.
How much of these food/quantities do you need to consume?
An increase in calorie intake is necessitated by the process of breastfeeding. During your pregnancy, your breast milk will naturally absorb any extra calories you may have acquired and will help you lose weight. If you have lost all of your baby weight, it is conceivable that you may need to eat an extra 500-600 calories each day to maintain your weight. When your child reaches the age of six months, you may want to limit your calorie intake since you will be producing less milk.
Food allergies in a baby caused by these foods
It is possible that a newborn may develop a food allergy during breastfeeding if the mother’s meals are not nutritious. Green, mucus-like, and blood-speckled stools are among the most common signs and symptoms of this condition. Food allergies are a rare cause of a child’s colic or reflux, although they may occur.
The most often allergenic foods are those containing dairy, soy, wheat, and eggs. When it comes to food allergies, fish, almonds, peanuts, and maize are among the less common triggers to be found. You should be aware that any food you eat might induce an allergic reaction in a newborn.
If you keep note of your symptoms as well as the foods and beverages you eat, you may be able to identify the source of your illness. There are no long-term implications to your child’s allergy as long as he or she is eating well, gaining weight, and not suffering from anemia, which is unlikely. You are not required to stop breastfeeding just because you are pregnant.
It is possible that the infant’s symptoms may disappear after eliminating the suspect foods from his or her diet, but it may take up to six weeks for this to occur. The services of a qualified dietician who specializes in food allergies may be of assistance to you in designing a balanced diet plan.
Avoid the following meals and drinks if your milk supply is low:
- If your milk production is poor, you should stay away from the following foods and beverages:
- Spearmint and peppermint, which is superior? (food, gum, or candy that has a mint taste)
- Drinks with a little fizz
- Vitamin C insufficiency may be caused by excessive levels of vitamin C, vitamin B, or citrus fruits/juices in drinks such as vitamin water or Powerade, which contain excessive amounts of vitamin C, B, or citrus fruits/juices.
- Caffeine may be found in a variety of teas and coffees. Caffeine and alcohol may pass into breast milk if consumed in excess or abstained from during breastfeeding. Caffeine and alcohol aren’t good for your infant.
- Sage – sausage, dressing, wild rice mix, etc
Breastfeeding has several advantages for both mother and child
Breastfeeding is beneficial to both the infant and the mother. Breast and ovarian cancer may be prevented by taking it. Essentially. To top it all off, you and your baby will develop a strong maternal relationship while you nurse the baby.
In conclusion, if you want to be able to make milk for your kid, you need to be in excellent health. If you’re experiencing any kind of health problem, please make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. You should also avoid stressful or gloomy situations since these might have an impact on your milk supply.
It is important that you eat regularly and that the food you consume is rich in nutrients when you nurse your child. In order to get the most out of your day, we recommend that you eat three substantial meals and two light snacks. If you’re going to be out in the sun for an extended period, it’s important to stay hydrated.
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