If your vagina could talk, she’d probably ask for a snack. Turns out, the right foods and beverages can keep your vagina healthy, ease discomfort, stave off infections, and even spice things up a bit between the sheets by making the vagina taste sweeter.
Hence our title today; ‘8 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter’, because a lot of women out there have heard that you can probably eat this and that to make the vagina smell and taste better, but the thing is that a lot of them don’t know how whether this true, as the vagina is a very vulnerable spot in the woman’s body.
Most times, these women pass through a lot of unnecessary stress and unhealthy eating in their strive to have their lady bits tasting sweet so as to spice up things during sexual intercourse with their partner, but all to no avail.
Many times, they end up having the opposite results in their endeavors, but today, in this article, we will learn about 8 foods that make you taste sweeter. Truly, they work!
Read on!
8 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter
1. Yogurt
Yogurt contains the lactobacillus bacteria, which is also naturally present in your gut, urinary tract, and vagina. According to a 2006 review published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, this bacteria also helps restore a healthy yeast balance in the vagina, thus preventing fungal infections.[mfn]https://guardian.ng/life/foods-that-help-prevent-vaginal-odour/[/mfn]
Result? A healthy gut, a healthy vagina that tastes well to your partner, and no foul smell.
2. Cranberry juice
Many gynecologists recommend concentrated cranberry juice or whole cranberries to women suffering from urinary tract infections (UTIs). In fact, several studies like the one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition back this claim.[mfn]https://www.healthshots.com/intimate-health/feminine-hygiene/8-vagina-cleansing-foods-that-can-make-your-lady-bits-smell-good/[/mfn]
The reason is fairly simple: cranberries are packed with antioxidants and powerful infection fighters. Plus, they are acidic in nature and help maintain the pH of your vagina.
Now, obviously, a healthy and infection-free vagina has no reason to smell bad, and will surely taste well.
3. Pineapple
Pineapple is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B, and fiber.
Not only do these nutrients improve gut health, but they also help maintain your vagina’s natural smell by keeping it healthy and preventing any infections, thereby making it taste well.
4. Apple
The phytoestrogen phloridzin and antioxidants in apples stimulate the blood flow in your vagina, keeping it healthy and fresh. In fact, a 2014 study published on PubMed Central shows that these compounds also prevent the development of uterine fibroids and help with sexual arousal.[mfn]https://www.prevention.com/food-nutrition/g20512113/12-foods-your-vagina-wants-you-to-eat/[/mfn]
Plus, eating apples can also increase the probability of climaxing during sex, and make you taste sweeter to your partner. What more do you want?
5. Ginger Tea
The antimicrobial properties of ginger are just what you need to promote a healthy gut, a sweet-tasting vagina, a healthy vagina, and ward off any vaginal infections, keeping Miss Vayjayjay smelling au-naturel!
6. Lemon
This citrusy wonder is rich in vitamin C and acidic in nature.
This is exactly why it can help maintain the vaginal pH and promotes its smell.
7. Celery
Celery is bursting with vitamin C and hence can help restore the ecology of vaginal bacteria.
Moreover, the presence of chlorophyll in the salad essentially helps maintain the smell of your lady bits, thereby improving the sweetness of your vagina.
8. Cinnamon
While all things citrusy and acidic help maintain the pH of your vagina, cinnamon happens to be an alkaline spice that can help neutralize any excess acidity down there.
A healthy balance means a healthy-smelling vagina and of course! A sweet-tasting vagina!
If you need a video on this, you can watch the video below:
What About Other Vagina-Cleansing Foods? – Foods Your Vagina Wants You To Eat That Will Make Your Vagina Smell Good and Taste Sweet Despite Certain Conditions
Foods For Fewer UTIs:
You’ve likely heard that guzzling cranberry juice can help fight urinary tract infections. And that’s true: The juice contains compounds that help stop infection-causing bacteria from sticking to your bladder wall’s tissue.
But cranberry juice is also loaded with sugar, which means you probably don’t really want to be downing the stuff on a daily basis.
Instead? Try green tea. Findings show that the catechins in this brew have a potent antimicrobial effect that could help fight UTIs.
“By drinking green tea, catechins are passed through the urinary tract, decreasing bacteria and hence decreasing the risk of infection,” says Carolyn DeLucia, FACOG, MD, gynecologist and women’s sexual health expert at VSPOT Medi Spa in New York. Sipping 2 to 3 cups a day should do the trick, DeLucia says.
Foods For Cramping:
If your period tends to come with a side of abdominal pain, eat more fish. Cramping during that time of the month is caused by the release of inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins, which help your uterus muscles contract and shed tissue.
But the omega-3 fatty acids in fish, like salmon and tuna, boast anti-inflammatory compounds that studies suggest may help ease this discomfort.
Foods For Fewer Yeast Infections:
A healthy vagina is home to plenty of lactobacillus, a type of good bacteria that helps your tissues maintain a healthy pH level, says DeLucia. It’s also home to yeast like candida.
Normally, the acidity from the lactobacillus keeps the yeast from growing out of control. But the good bugs can take a hit from things like antibiotic use, menopause, unmanaged diabetes, or even using birth control or hormonal therapy. And when that happens, you’re at higher risk for developing a yeast infection.
Thankfully, regularly eating probiotic-rich foods like plain yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, and miso can make a difference. “Probiotics help maintain the healthy balance of bacteria to promote a good pH to promote the healthy growth of lactobacillus,” DeLucia says.
Foods For Dryness:
Vaginal dryness is the unpleasant result of reduced levels of estrogen, which helps keep your tissues elastic and well-lubricated. But menopause, childbirth, breastfeeding, and even the use of certain allergy and cold medications can all cause your estrogen levels to fall, leaving you dry and uncomfortable.
Try eating more minimally processed soy foods, like organic edamame, tofu, or tempeh. They contain estrogen-mimicking plant compounds called isoflavins, says DeLucia. They’re also hydrophilic—meaning they’re good at attracting more water to your tissues.
Foods For More Fun in Bed:
An apple a day doesn’t just keep the doctor away. It might also boost your session in the sack: A study published in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics found that women who snack on apples more than once a day had higher levels of lubrication and sexual function compared to those who ate apples less than once a day.
That reason could be that apples contain phloridzin, a compound that mimics the female sex hormone estradiol. What’s more, apples are loaded with polyphenols that help boost blood flow to vaginal tissue, which makes it easier to climax. Talk about a fruit with benefits.
What You Really Need to Know
Ladies, eating healthy can make everything better—including your vaginal health. And also please note that the foods recommended in this article will not make your vagina taste like chocolate or sugar. Because you know what? Your vagina is supposed to taste like, well—a vagina. What else, d-uh?
That said, what you eat affects each and every part of your body—including your vagina. In fact, according to an article published in the journal Scientific Reports, your vaginal and gut health are linked to each other.
Basically, if you keep your gut healthy, your vagina will be healthy and taste well too. Needless to say, a healthy vagina will be devoid of infections, have the correct pH, thus won’t smell pungent, and taste good to a sexual partner.
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