When you are pregnant, it is very normal to want to know everything that’s going on in your body and that’s why we are here to explain to you what to expect at every week of your pregnancy .
Talking about your one-stop pregnancy guide, this article is meant to explain to you in full details what you should expect on the 18 weeks of pregnancy starting from what’s happening inside your body, to how your baby is developing, to symptoms you should expect and tips on having healthy pregnancy.
Read on for more on this interesting topic.

What does your baby looks like at 18 weeks of pregnancy ?
From head to toe, an 18 weeks baby usually measures about 14.2 cm and weighs about 190 g.
That is roughly the length and width of sweet red pepper.
This week also the baby’s hearing, feeling, swallowing, and sucking reflexes are growing and they will also be moving their arms and legs a lot and squirming around a lot.
Second-trimester symptoms of pregnancy (at 18 weeks of pregnancy).
One is supposedly more energized and capable of handling pregnancy symptoms at this point, including:
- Headache
- Nosebleed
- Stress marks
- Greasier, spotty skin
- Morning sickness
- Heightened sense of smell
- Sleeping problems and tiredness
- Weird pregnancy cravings
- Constipation and bloating
- Feeling hot
- Leg cramps
- Mood swings
- Swollen hands and legs
- Urine infection
- Sore breast
- Thicker and shinier hair
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What to expect in the 18 weeks of pregnancy.
As your belly grows, you might start to feel a little clumsier.
Your breasts may have also grown in size.
Do not jump up from the couch because your blood pressure is probably a little lower than it was because it can make you feel lightheaded.
You might not have noticed, but your baby has been moving around for the past few months. However, you may now begin to feel some movement in your tummy; it feels like bubbling or fluttering.
The linea nigra, a line that runs down the middle of your stomach, may also be visible. There is no need to be concerned because this skin coloring is typical. It will likely disappear a few months after the baby is born.
What does 18 weeks pregnancy equal in months?
You are in your fifth month of pregnancy if you are 18 weeks along.
There are only 4 months left! Have more inquiries? Here is further information on what your baby looks like at ultrasound scan, symptoms you may likely experience at this stage and tips on healthy pregnancy.
How does your baby look on the ultrasound at 18 weeks?
The major ultrasound is scheduled for any time in the coming weeks when you are 18 weeks pregnant.
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The mid-pregnancy ultrasound is a thorough examination of the entire body of the unborn child.
It’s a fairly interesting inside look! To make sure your fetus is growing normally at 18 weeks, measurements will be taken.
The development of the main organs will be examined.
To ensure the baby is healthy, the amniotic fluid, placenta, and fetal heart rate will all be checked.
There is a membrane separating your two 18-week fetuses if you are carrying twins and are 18 weeks pregnant.
You would likely be able to detect that on an ultrasound taken at 18 weeks pregnant because as they move around inside, they will move the membrane and push fluid around.
Yes, if you are 18 weeks pregnant and carrying twins (or other multiples), the anatomy of both (or all) of the infants will be scanned.
At the mid-pregnancy ultrasound, the technician will be able to tell you whether you are having a boy or a girl with about 95% certainty—as long as the baby moves into a position where its organs are visible. Some infants are not always cooperative
By the 18th week of your pregnancy, you’ll probably start feeling:
You’re not alone if you feel exhausted and achy during week 18 symptoms. Because of this, it’s crucial to look after your health by eating a balanced diet, exercising, and getting enough rest and water. Take advantage of your vitality to begin making preparations for the birth of your child if you aren’t exhibiting the typical symptoms.
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Your to-do list also includes purchasing pregnancy clothing. Your baby bump may be visible at 18 weeks
Tips on how to scale through 18 Weeks of Pregnancy:
Here are the following tips to ensure your well being and that of your baby at 18 weeks.:
Give your sore back some tender loving care with a few pain-relieving yoga poses.
Beginning on your hands and knees in tabletop position, curve your back upwards while gently pulling your tummy up into cat pose.
Hold it for a short while before returning to the tabletop. The child’s position is very excellent and very soothing.
Incorporate the correct nutrients into your diet to help prevent leg cramps in addition to drinking enough of water.
Ensure that you are consuming enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium, either through your prenatal vitamin or through fresh fruits and vegetables.
Because of all the additional fluid you’re carrying in your body to support the baby at 18 weeks, your feet may be swollen, and gravity isn’t helping.
Another good reason to unwind and sleep whenever you can is that you can get some relief by raising your feet above heart level with the help of pillows.
Try compression socks if your swelling is particularly bad or you spend a lot of time on your feet.
In conclusion
By the 18th week of your pregnancy, you’ll probably start feeling:
You’re not alone if you feel exhausted and achy during week 18 symptoms. Because of this, it’s crucial to look after your health by eating a balanced diet, exercising, and getting enough rest and water.
Take advantage of your vitality to begin making preparations for the birth of your child if you aren’t exhibiting the typical symptoms.
Your to-do list also includes purchasing pregnancy clothing. Your baby bump may be visible at 18 weeks!